For 2024 EX-MÊKH decided to also take part in Platforms Project 2024 in Athens (GR). The whole set up of this fair for independant art platforms and exhibition spaces has changed. From now on it will be multi-disciplinary including theatre, music and dance. The venue, which used to be at the Art School of Athens, has also changed to Keramikos if I understand well. This is an interesting change to us so we applied and we were accepted. The organisation asked us for a picture to put iwn the catalogue. We talked about our intentions for this occasion and we unaminously chose for an installation build by the three of us. We decided to make a work together in one of our studio’s. You can see the result underneath. It is based on the idea of idea’s, objects, text, and image washing up at a beach to inspire unexpected connections. It depicts an organic image of what EX-MÊKH is.