May 5 – 27, 2007
W139/SM-Basement, Amsterdam (NL)
Participating artists: Ellen Rodenberg, Hans Ensink op Kemna, Maarten Schepers, Kees Koomen
The mêkh-group studied for nine months on new concepts for artistic work and for possible models for exhibitions. For this purpose they gathered weekly in a projectroom in DCR, an art-building in Den Haag. The way of working of mêkh is always specific for place and time of the exhibition. The local situation will determine the methods used by the mêkh-group. In this way we want to inspire each other and we try to challenge the public to look at the work in a new manner.
When the possibility occurred for an exhibition at W139/SM-Basement we chose to construct an exhibition-island. Maarten Schepers designed the Island sculpture. All the exhibited work of mêkh will be on and around the island. The work will be newly made or existing work in a different setting. Thus, next to the autonomous work, new work will develop as a result of mêkh-activities.