(EX)-MÊKH Takes Five

September 11 – October 11, 2009
n9 Stichting Ruimtevaart – Den Haag (NL)

Participants: Ellen Rodenberg, Maarten Schepers, Hans Ensink op Kemna, Kees Koomen
Guests: G.J. de Rook, Stijn Peeters, Roeland Langendoen, Machiel van Soest (part I-II-IV-V), Marieke Klop, Nies Vooijs, Barney de Krijger (part III – IV – V)
Commentary: Ineke van der Wal (texts linked under images of Ineke’s Textworks)
The wonderful graphic design for the project was done by Ben Faydherbe, whom we now consider our secret member.

Stichting Ruimtevaart in Den Haag invited the artist-collective (EX)-MÊKH to organize a constantly changing exhibition in their exhibition-space n9. The exhibition, could be visited five consecutive weekends. A number of musicians performed during opening hours. These are all musicians who work in the building, or who are in another way connected to Ruimtevaart,

The title of the project, (EX)-MÊKH Takes Five, refers to an expression in Jazz music to take a break during performances. Paul Desmond wrote the song Take Five referring to the pause to give the alto-saxophone player the opportunity to light a cigarette and listen to his fellow musicians during solos. In the same way, during the period that (EX)-MÊKH Takes Five takes place, participating artists get the opportunity to take a break and judge, comment and react on each others work.

The first weekend an exhibiton was installed by Kees Koomen, Ellen Rodenberg and guest-artists they invited. (EX)-MÊKH-members Hans Ensink op Kemna and Maarten Schepers added visual reactions to this exhibition for the second weekend. For the third weekend Hans Ensink op Kemna and Maarten Schepers assembled an exhibition with guest-artists they invited. Ellen Rodenberg and Kees Koomen formulated a visual reactions for the fourth weekend. Finally, improvising with their work and the guest-artists, using the “call-and-answer”-principle originating from slave songs, (EX)-MÊKH lead the project to a finale in the fifth weekend. Now the sum of everything that happened before lead to an impressive final chord. During this extensive jam-session engagement of the participants was vital to make the project work!

EX-MÊKH Takes Five, Part I

Kees Koomen and Ellen Rodenberg curated the first exhibitio. They invited G.J. de Rook, Stijn Peeters, Roeland Langendoen and Machiel van Soest to join them as guests.

Machiel van Soest
Machiel van Soest – detail
G.J. de Rook
G.J de Rook – detail
G.J. de Rook
Ellen Rodenberg
Ellen Rodenberg – detail
Ellen Rodenberg – detail
Stijn Peeters
Stijn Peeters – detail
Foreground: Kees Koomen – video
background: Stijn Peeters
Kees Koomen: Of You, Me and the River
Kees Koomen: Of You, Me and the River – detail
Kees Koomen: Of You, Me and the River – detail
Ellen Rodenberg: Son Goku’s mission
Ellen Rodenberg: Son Goku’s mission
Bandje Brak sluit af
EX-MÊKH Takes Five, Part II

For this edition Hans Ensink op Kemna and Maarten Schepers commented on the first exhibition.

Maarten Schepers reacting
Written comments on the wall by Ineke van der Wal
Front: Ellen Rodenberg, right: Hans Ensink op Kemna – reaction
Back: Kees Koomen
Back: Hans Ensink op Kemna – reaction, front: Ellen Rodenberg
back: Stijn Peeters
back: Ellen Rodenberg, right: Hans Ensink op Kemna – reaction
Left: Hans Ensink op Kemna – reaction,
back: Stijn peeters
Left: Maarten Schepers – reaction, right: Machiel van Soest
Front: Ellen Rodenberg, back: Stijn Peeters
End performance part II: Musicians Paul Klaui, Jan Borchers, video Ellen Rodenberg
EX-MÊKH Takes Five, Part III

Maarten Schepers and Hans Ensink op Kemna curated the third edition of EX-MÊKH Takes Five the exhibition. They invited Nies Vooijs, Marieke Klop, Roeland Langendoen and Barney de Krijger

Maarten Schepers
Maarten Schepers
Maarten Schepers
Roeland Langendoen
Roeland Langendoen
Roeland Langendoen
Back: Hans Ensink op Kemna, front: Marieke Klop
Back: Hans Ensink op Kemna, Front: Nies Vooijs
Marieke Klop
Barney de Krijger
Barney de Krijger
Nies Vooijs
Nies Vooijs
Front: Nies Vooijs, back: Maarten Schepers
EX-MÊKH Takes Five, part IV

Kees Koomen and Ellen Rodenberg commented on EX-MÊKH Takes Five Part III by adding their works to the exhibition. Machiel van Soest also sneaked in a painting.

Back: Kees Koomen-reacting, right: Hans Ensink op Kemna front: Ellen Rodenberg – reacting
Left: Ellen Rodenberg – reacting, back: Hans Ensink op Kemna, front: Nies Vooijs, right: Marieke Klop
Left: Kees Koomen – reacting, middle: Marieke Klop
Front: Ellen Rodenberg reacting, back: Roeland Langendoen
Kees Koomen reacting: from left to right Machiel van Soest, Ellen Rodenberg, Kees Koomen (video), Roeland Langendoen
Above: Kees Koomen reacting, back: Barney de Krijger
Ellen Rodenberg
Left: Ellen Rodenberg reacting, right: Maarten Schepers
Left: Ellen rodenberg, back: Hans Ensink op Kemna, front: Nies Vooijs
Left: Maarten Schepers, right: Kees Koomen
left: Ellen Rodenberg, middel: Kees Koomen – Personae II (video)
Sunday afternoon performance
Sunday afternoon performance
EX-MÊKH Takes Five, Part V

In the fifth and last edition of EX-MÊKH Takes Five all members of EX-MÊKH and their guests join in for a festive weekend in which everyone takes part in an inspired improvisation.

Left: Hans Ensnink op Kemna, right: Roeland Langendoen
Roeland Langendoen
Back: G.J. de Rook, sculpture: Maarten Schepers
Left: Kees Koomen, right: Stijn peeters
Kees Koomen
Stijn Peeters
Left: Ellen Rodenberg, right: Hans Ensink op Kemna
Oversight exhibition
Nies Vooijs
Oversight exhibition space
Oversight exhibition space
Barney de Krijger
Kees Koomen
Kees Koomen -video: Arena
Kees Koomen
Front: Kees Koomen, back: Machiel van Soest
Maarten Schepers
Maarten Schepers
Maarten Schepers
Maarten Schepers
Ellen Rodenberg
Written comments Ineke van der Wal on the wall
Roeland Langendoen
Commentator Ineke van der Wal at work